Website accessibility in New York – The best practices and guidelines that you cannot overlook!

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

在今天的数字时代, 网站是通往各种资源的门户, 从教育资源到政府服务和商业产品. 一个可访问的网站允许有效地导航和与网页内容交互.

New York recognizes the significance of website accessibility and has taken steps to promote the inclusive digital experience. An accessibility statement is a common practice employed by websites in the state to declare their commitment to achieving a certain level of accessibility. The basic idea behind adhering to accessibility best practices and guidelines is to enhance user experience for all visitors including those with disabilities.

Implementing website accessibility not only demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity but also contributes to improved search results and overall website performance. 纽约州有一项专门的州政策,名为 nys - p08 - 005, which ensures minimum accessibility requirements for websites and applications that are developed, 维护, used, 或由国家实体采购.

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1. 当地法律2016年第26号

这项法律于3月14日签署, 2016, emphasizing all agencies to adopt accessibility standards for their websites and ensure that they are compliant with those standards. 该标准基于Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1级AA.

2. 美国残疾人法案

ADA是WCAG 2.用于微调网站可访问性的1级AA标准. It is accepted by a major part of the world including New York to create accessible websites and applications.

3. 第508节

第508节 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is another requirement for accessibility compliance in New York. All federal government agencies that receive federal funding are required to adhere to 第508节.

4. nys - p08 - 005

This policy is made to establish accessibility requirements for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) websites that are being used in New York. The policy says that under the laws all State Entities (SE) must ensure equal access to ICT products and services to everyone including people with disabilities unless incorporating accessibility will impose an undue burden on the agencies.

nys - p08 - 005基于《pg电子竞技》第508条和《pg电子官网》第170-F条. 根据此(第170-F条), every vendor or other person should offer their services to compliant websites only for the provision of such services to everyone.

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更多关于nys - p08 - 005

This accessibility policy is specifically designed for the New York State and applies to all State Entities (SE) which are defined in Section 101 of the State Technology Law. These agencies are obligated to offer accessible digital solutions to their all employees and third-party vendors who use any IT resource to perform their duties.

1. 如何确保您的网站符合要求?

为公共或商业目的制作的电子内容应符合美国残疾人法. 各机构必须关注以下要求,并且这些要求应该是可获得的:

  1. 紧急通知.
  2. 裁决:对行政要求或行政诉讼作出的初步或最终裁决.
  3. 内部或外部的计划或政策公告.
  4. 关于福利、项目资格、就业机会或人事行动的通知.
  5. 收讫的正式确认.
  6. 问卷调查.
  7. 模板或表单.
  8. 教育或培训材料和
  9. Intranet的内容被设计成一个网页.

并确保网站符合建议的要求, 国家实体必须执行以下活动:

  1. 在产品使用前,在进行任何基本更改之前,对ICT进行手动测试 & 此后每两年使用一次专门的软件或服务.
  2. 在下一次测试之前,保持一份适当的测试报告.
  3. 保存一份信息和通信技术清单以及每项信息和通信技术的当前合规状态.
  4. 并在网站的主页页脚发布一个无障碍链接. Please note that the accessibility linked page must contain contact information to reach out in case of any questions related to the site’s accessibility.

你可能还喜欢: 成本使网站ADA兼容

2. 保单豁免

A. 现有ICT

在1月18日或之前创建或采购的现有资讯及通讯科技, 2018, 以及它是否符合第508节未修订的标准, 那么就不需要修改以符合修订后的508标准.

B. 过度的负担

If a State Entity (SE) determines that conforming to revised 508 Standards will impose an undue burden, 那么它就不需要符合这些标准. Conformance shall be required only to the extent that it doesn’t become a financial burden or result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of the ICT.

It is solely the State Entity’s decision to determine what constitutes an undue burden or fundamental alteration. 此外, the SE must provide a written document mentioning which part of the revised 508 Standard causing a burden on them. The document should also include why and to what extent compliance with applicable requirements is creating trouble for the SE.

根据书面文件的理由,该部分标准可以进行审查. 但是,此次审查并不是为了取代标准,也不是为了让SE免于诉讼. 它只是给了新加坡证券交易所一个公平的机会,让它咨询法律顾问并采取相应的行动.

nys - p08 - 005政策修订历史

nys - p08 - 005 was originally released on 21st June 2004 and its first revision was done on 25th October 2006 to add procurement language and some minor fixes.

在2008年、2009年、2010年等的进一步修订中,发生了更多的变化., and the most recent version, which is based on WCAG compliance, was released on 24th May 2023.


2020年,纽约州的诉讼案件最多,其次是佛罗里达州和加利福尼亚州. 你知道为什么纽约有最多的无障碍法律诉讼吗?

  1. 这些诉讼是由许多律师事务所同时提起的,其中大多数都在纽约.
  2. Plaintiffs can recover damages in New York if they add city or state claims to ADA lawsuits, 根据国家人权法.
  3. 即使诉讼当事人不在纽约,也可以对他们提起诉讼. 如果有人试图访问一个无法访问的网站, 该网站受纽约无障碍法律的约束.


遵循最佳可访问性实践, 确保所有的pdf文件和其他文件按照ADA标准制作, and don’t forget to include frequent testing in the website development and maintenance process. 这是避免诉讼和拥有可访问网站的唯一途径. 随着科技的兴起和对互联网的日益依赖, 网站必须优先考虑可访问性,以确保每个人都能平等访问. 政府所做的努力, 企业, and organizations in New York adhere to accessibility guidelines and standards are noticeable. 然而,仍然需要对数字无障碍的认识. 通过不断接受和实现可访问性标准, 纽约的数字场景将以更快的速度改善.

pg电子官网, a proud associate member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) and a recognized participant in W3C, 对其对全球无障碍社区的宝贵贡献感到非常自豪.

我们的专长在于交付 ADA网站可访问性修复服务 这能满足各种各样的需求. Whether you require quick accessibility improvements or a complete overhaul of website accessibility, 请放心,我们完全有能力满足您的需求. 我们的服务范围涵盖网站可访问性的各个方面, 包括设计, audits, 咨询, 修复, support, 以及持续的维护.

请随时通过电子邮件与我们联系 (电子邮件保护) 或使用所提供的表单. Our mission revolves around aiding you in enhancing the accessibility of your digital presence and improving inclusivity for all.